

While it took only five months to move from the idea of starting a museum to the opening of the doors, the process of engaging and be

Belonging Publicado: 01-12-2022 - Tempo de leitura: 1 minuto

Today, MUREM is only one-and-a-half years old. We feel our responsibility to reflect the needs and interests of both residents and visitors as well as to acquire, present, and conserve Mexican ethnic clothing.

Our 2020 goals to connect with the communityOrganize monthly displays that highlight the history and traditions of our region, organized with local participation.Collaborate with local schools to help fulfill their educational needs, using the collection or resources of the museum.

Present programs such as lectures, visits with textile artisans, and hands-on activities that relate to regional history.Keep the public informed of MUREM´s activities through postings on our website, social media, newsletter, and media relations.Participate in meetings and workshops to professionalize MUREM in order to offer the best visitor experience.

Continue to acquire clothes from Mexico and the Yucatan peninsula, catalogue and conserve the MUREM collection.

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