
Janal Pixan: a reunion with the dear departed
Janal Pixan, is the Mayan celebration that means "Food of the souls", which is celebrated from October 31 to November 2, when the...
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Productive Meeting with the UNESCO Representative in Mexico and His Team
Yesterday, we had the honor of receiving the new representative of UNESCO Mexico, Andrés Morales, and the UNESCO team, which...
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Thinking sustainably: MUREM’s solar panels
In December 2020, Denis Larsen donated his hotel, Casa Hamaca, to the Museum of Ethnic Clothing of Mexico (MUREM) and we began preparations...
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Vive la langue Française!
MUREM has always been a museum with information provided in Spanish and English, but we noticed that so many of our visitors speak French....
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MUREM strives to make the museum accessible to a wide range of audiences
At the Museum of Ethnic Clothing of Mexico A.C. (MUREM) we offer an enriching experience about the cultural diversity and traditions of...
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UNESCO and Yucatecan embroiderers connect in MUREM
In July, MUREM was honored to be the location for launching UNESCO’s project in Mexico's state of Yucatan, "Economic and Social Development...
Por: MUREM | Publicado:
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Discover Valladolid's Museum Route
The Museum Route in Valladolid allows visitors to tour the streets and historic parks of the city while visiting different museums and...
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